sold book

英 [səʊld bʊk] 美 [soʊld bʊk]




  1. The store has sold all its copies of the book, but it has some more on order.
  2. Interest accrued during the period of bonds investment and the difference between the amount of principal and interest received on bonds sold and their book cost and interest accrued but not yet received shall be accounted for as current profit and loss.
  3. On Taobao, I sold a classic English novel for 30 yuan while the price of the same book is bargained down to 10 yuan on campus, said the 23-year-old.
  4. His life stories have become so popular, in fact, nearly 800 copies were sold in the first two weeks of the book's release last month.
  5. The book sold a cumulative 2 million copies and spawned another book of rebuttal.
  6. But in2004, one of the couple decided to shut down the museum and sold the comic book to a third party, regional daily Hallandsposten reported in its online edition.
  7. If the assets sold are non-equity assets, the total assets and the net assets are respectively the book value of the assets and the difference between the related assets and the book value of the liabilities;
  8. If all retailers sold the book at full price, they would make an estimated £ 68 million.
  9. This selection of poems is sold with 4 beautiful bookmarkers. Put a marker in your book so that I would know where you left off.
  10. Kilpatrick's books sold each year to2000, although he often received a large publisher of telephone, but he refused to cut anything, so far have published the book at their own expense.
  11. He sold the right of the book to a press.
  12. They're sold at considerably less price, so world book is still substantially the largest Encyclopedia company.
  13. He even sold the watch given by his father in order to purchase this book.
  14. Judging by the number of copies sold the book is a great success.
  15. When plant assets are sold, any gain or loss on the disposal is computed by comparing the book value with the amount received from the sale.
  16. The unit sold book for each book number in2006 was predicted by multivariable regression fitting method.
  17. But if he copy and sold this book or send it out, it is unlawful, because this kind of right was belonged to publishers, authors or the persons who owns the copyright.
  18. The old way of publishing Virtual Laboratory was usually Compact Disc sold with book. And now, a latest way of using network, specially using Internet, is adopted.